Are You Sleeping Enough? by Mishi
Sleep is such an important part of fitness and one that is so often neglected. Sleep is important for the rest and repair of muscles that have been put through stress during workouts/sports. It is also important to mentally recover and refresh from the previous day. As a high schooler sometimes I tend to take my sleep schedule for granted. Since I am young it takes less time for me to recover from late nights. However, too many late nights and the exhaustion eventually does catch up to me. So now I do make a conscious effort to go to bed earlier, although I do get stuck scrolling on my phone sometimes. When I need extra time for homework, I find that it’s better to go to bed early and get up early. I have better mental clarity at that time.
Tip: Consider 'sleep' as a important aspect of your fitness journey and aim for a min 7-8 hours each night #FitnessMindset
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